Sunday, January 8, 2012

Some Habits Die Fast

One of my biggest goals in life is to become a published author and, like anything else, I am fully aware that it will never happen without commitment, dedication, and, well, writing. How on God's green earth did I think I would actually reach that goal without actually writing anything? I am pretty sure that somewhere between my nine-plus hour work days, two hours worth of a daily commute (minimum), television watching, and People magazine reading (they rank high on my priority list, what can I say?), I was apparently hoping to get a book deal based on my sparkling personality and incessant ability to talk. Really?! Ok, so not consciously or logically, but judging by the fact that my last blog post was almost a year ago, clearly something is amiss.  Honestly, had you asked, I would have sworn I posted something around the end of the summer, but at some point days became weeks, weeks became months, and here I am, already in the new year.  In the same amount of time I have trained for, and run, two half-marathons (I put this first so that the whole TV/magazine thing doesn't give too much of a lazy vibe, although at heart that is exactly what I am), enjoyed three seasonal changes, and even watched my sister carry and deliver twins!  Well, I didn't actually watch the delivery, but you get the idea. Heck, Granny (see blog tagline where it mentions her at eighty-six) is eighty-seven!  Guess I'll have to change that too, but I think I might wait until she is eighty-eight. I mean, it's only four months away, why get all grandiose with the blogging if it isn't going to stick. If I am still blogging when she turns eighty-eight on May 5th, then I will change it, but for now it just seems like a pathetic attempt to appear fresh.  The worst part, and I am embarrassed to admit it, I couldn't even remember my password to sign in to MY OWN BLOG!!  How sad is that?

The thing is, I really do love to write.  And, honestly, I think about things I could be writing all of the time. The problem is that usually these thoughts come to me during my drive to work, in the shower, or the rare occasion when I have trouble sleeping, none of which afford much opportunity for actually putting the proverbial "pen to paper." I tried taking my digital voice recorder (a gift given to me by my husband for this exact purpose) with me in the car and have even used it once or twice, but still no actual writing has taken place.

I could go on with excuses and explanations all day long, but the truth is I just haven't applied myself. I haven't made the time and, quite frankly, I haven't been motivated.  What made you start today, you ask?  Well, my avid Mac-using friends have convinced me that "once you go Mac, you never go back," and that if I were to get an iPad, MacBook, etc, that I would be excited about getting on it and, the biggest selling point, it wouldn't feel like being at work where I use a PC. Somewhere along the way I drank the Kool-Aid and sold the idea to my husband, who bought me a beautiful MacBook Air for Christmas! I have to say, that so far, they are exactly right.  Placebo or not, this laptop is already at the top of my "favorite things" list.  So here it is, my first blog of 2012.  No promises for a second, I mean, Rome wasn't built in a day.  Which, in this case, means that I might be eighty-seven before I am published. 

1 comment:

  1. How have you not mentioned that you got an MacBook?! So fun. You'll never go back to a PC again! I feel certain this is going to inspire some major writing this year for you if only b/c it's so fun to use a Mac. I'm excited to see where it will take you. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid!
